Sunday, August 10, 2008

Getting our Appartment

My first night in Toronto, I stayed at the hotel IBM had provided me. It was farther away then Grant's hotel since his hotel was all booked up.

One of my first tasks was getting my apartment setup, and finishing up the paperwork in regards to that.

The IBM campus is located on Highway 7 and Warden Ave, in Markham, which is north and east of Toronto. Our apartment is at Yonge and Egglinton, which is in Toronto. The trek is anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half, depending on the time of day.

When we reached our apartment building the first time, the office was closed. So we had to make another trip out there.

I think our first few days where mostly taken up be traveling back and forth between our hotel and our apartment.

The second trip out there, the office was open, but there news was not good at first. The first news was that our credit records where not good. That was a little scary because that is the reason that we lost the last apartment. We managed to work things out. In regards to the credit report at least. I may expand on this later, but suffice it to say that Fido is a less then honorable or honest company.

The next problem was with our apartment, which we were told was ready a few days earlier. It wasn't. They still had work to do on the floors. The next couple of minutes were awkward as Grant and I tried to remain calm and level headed.

But things actually turned out for the best. A higher up fixed things up for us so that we could stay in the penthouse while our apartment could be prepared. This was excellent new, especially since we had no furniture at this point, and the penthouse was fully furnished. As a result, we only had to spend a single night sleeping on the floor without furniture in our apartment.

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