Friday, March 2, 2007

New To Ubuntu

I have recently made the inevitable switch from Windows to Linux. A friend of mine suggested I try Ubuntu. He raved over how user friendly it was and how it was a better user experience.
I had my doubt. Previous attempts at making the switch had been painful. There are some less then honorable companies that make things slightly more difficult due to there lack of support.
So i decided to go for it anyways. I tossed in the disk and crossed my fingers.
After a short load screen the Ubuntu has loaded up. Now this was impressive for several reasons:
First, the Windows install on the same machine was painful and required several separate driver disks in order to get to even the install options.
Second, I had not even installed the operating system yet. This took my breath away. I was able to use a fully functional version of the os during the installation process!
Ten minutes later, I had finished checking my email and Ubuntu was finished installing.
When first installed, Ubuntu does not lack much. it has everything from a bit torrent client to a full office suit installed by default. Of course any other program that you would have a fancy to can be installed with the slightest whim through synaptic.
Here is another aspect of Ubuntu that one cannot stop singing the praises of. Synaptic package manager makes installation of any program a dream. Any functionality that you can name can be found through an easy search, and installed with two clicks after that.
The thing that really makes Ubuntu worth while however is the community. No matter what you are trying to figure out, there are forums and wikis, run by the friendliest of people that are there just to help you.
I do suggest that you go try it yourself. Oh, and did I mention that it's free?